Sesiune recrutare Emirates Airline – Travel Agents, februarie 2013

Emirates LogoEmirates Airline angajeaza agenti de turism in Dubai, selectia urmand sa aiba loc in luna februarie, in Bucuresti, cu reprezentantii companiei.



  • salariu de baza : intre 850 USD si 1000 USD;

  • cazare gratuita ;

  • transport gratuit;

  • asigurare medicala;

  • viza si bilet de avion gratuite;

  • reduceri la numeroase magazine, restaurante si servicii;

  • costuri de relocare in Dubai: 0

  • vorbitorii de araba primesc o alocatie suplimentara de 1500 AED ( 410 USD )

  • posibilitatea de a accede la o cariera internationala intr-una dintre cele mai renumite companii din lume


• A good command of written and spoken English is essential.

• Candidates must have travel industry/hospitality/customer service backgrounds.

• Proficient in MS Office applications i.e. word and excel


To provide a comprehensive and high quality service by extending adequate and sound consultancy advise to both the travel trade and direct customers, on all Dnata Travel products and services for Retail, Corporate and Leisure, so that this materializes into bookings that generate revenue in line with departmental and corporate growth strategies.

•  The basic salary generally works around AED 3 100/- to 3600 /- (US $ 850 to 1000) which is commensurate with the experience that each candidate brings with him or her. Accommodation and Transportation provided.







Job Title : Travel Agent

Department : U A E SALES

Reports To (Title) : : Reservations and Ticketing Team Leader

Grade: EK.04

Reports To (Job No) : 4607




To provide a comprehensive and high quality service by extending adequate and sound consultancy advise to both the travel trade and direct customers, on all Dnata Travel products and services for Retail, Corporate and Leisure, so that this materializes into bookings that generate revenue in line with departmental and corporate growth strategies.


•  Ensure the highest standard of customer service is provided to Emirates customers, provide them with details on Emirates tariff fares and actively issue online tickets and sell related products.

•  Issue Emirates tickets to customers ensuring that all necessary airline rules and regulations are incorporated and that the customer request is met in order to provide them with excellent service. Highlight to customers the legal requirements covering their journey such as passport, visa & health requirements and other details such as check-in place and time.

•  Actively enhance Emirates revenue earnings by providing options to customer on all products and services such as Skywards membership, DBB, Dubai stopovers, hotel bookings and upgraded fares.

•  Actively be involved in suggesting new ideas and providing recommendations on the improvement of the service provided, thereby increasing revenue and ensuring Emirates success as a market leading airline.

•  Ensure that all necessary ticket related documentation is filed; time tables updated, brochures, sale and promotional material is properly displayed on individual counters providing various options to the customer which will assist in increasing sales. (Reservations and Ticketing Offices only).

•  Support the Customer Sales & Service Team Leader on closing the end of day sales and banking monies received. Whenever possible create a database of all potential customers and develop a personal relation ship with them by giving occasional calls and informing them of new services provided, there by the customer always contacts the Agent for their travel needs. (Reservations and Ticketing Offices only).


•  Minimum of 10 years schooling or equivalent.

•  An IATA diploma would be a definite advantage.

•  Travel industry background in a reservations and ticketing role with knowledge of an airline reservation system (such as Galileo, Amadeus, Sabre, Mars etc.) is an advantage.

•  Superior interpersonal and customer service skills and the ability to work in a busy environment.

•  Excellent PC-skills to operate Windows package including Microsoft Word/ Excel/ E-mail.


Free flight ticket to Dubai

Free employment/resident visa

Medical Allowance

Free shared accommodation

Tax free salary

Working with one of the biggest travel management companies in the world

Pentru a aplica pentru acest job va rugam sa ne trimiteti CV-ul in limba engleza ( completat dupa modelul pe care-l puteti descarca aici )
insotite de 2 poze recente cu Dvs.(una tip pasaport, una full-body) cat mai clare pe adresa :

Emirates Logo    

Emirates Airlines este cea mai mare companie aeriana din Orientul Mijlociu, are sediul in Dubai si a primit mai mult de 400 de premii internationale de excelenta de la fondarea sa in 1985. Emirates opereaza peste 2.500 de zboruri pe saptamana in 125 de destinatii din intreaga lume.

Esentiala pentru succesul companiei este calitatea personalului angajat. Emirates are peste 35.000 de angajati din 130 de tari ce primesc salarii competitive si beneficii atractive, plus oportunitatea de a-si dezvolta cariera in cadrul organizatiei.